Saturday, April 18, 2009

Even More Spring Giveaways!!

Lani, over at The Neverending Adventure has combined two of my loves, fabrics and working in my yard and she is having a great spring giveaway and she wants some new friends!! Rush right over and check her out at

Friday, April 17, 2009

Wet Wipe Cover Instructions

This again was made with scraps and it really didn't turn out like I thought, but it is still nice.
I bought a round container of wet wipes and just wrapped my fabric around to measure, then added a 1/2 inch seam allowance , cut the piece of fabric out. Then I went ahead and sewed my bottom and top seams leaving room for elastic to be threaded through.
After threading the elastic through, I pinned it in place and then with right sides together, I sewed my seam down the side, catching the elastic at the top and bottom. Turn it right side out and slide onto canister of wipes. So easy!!

Tissue Box Cover Instructions

Ok, I made this with larger scrap pieces and it turned out so cute. And what babies room doesn't need tissues...right.

It fits right over the top of a tissue box.

I just measured the sides and cut pieces of fabric, adding a 1/4 inch seam allowance for each side. Then for the top, I measured and added a 1/4 inch seam allowance for each of the edges that are on the side and for the middle 'slit', I added a 1/2 inch seam allowance and sewed this first, then I pined each end of my slit and treated it just like I would a side and sewed, wrong sides together. When that is all done, just go along your bottom edge and sew 1/4 inch seam. Now turn right side out.
I bought a yo-yo maker and thought adding one yo-yo to the top with several stitches just made it pop. It is late and I am tired, so please let me know if you have any questions.

Soft Baby Block Instructions

The blocks can say A B C D E or...

They can spell 'CADE's name...

Ok, I had left over scraps of fabric and I had to make something, so why not matching soft baby blocks.

I cut 3 inch pieces of fabric and alternated them in the layout shown in the picture:

Then, I cut out letters of the alternate fabric using templates printed on my computer and printed on cardstock. I ironed my fabric on any wonder under, steam a seam, etc and traced my pattern on the back and cut my letters out and ironed them on 4 of the blocks. I stitched an outline around each letter as I wanted the edges to rag just a bit when washed.

To make each block, just sew each seam wrong sides together, using a 1/4 inch seam allowance, leaving the last side open so you can stuff with poly-fill and the I hand stitched that seam closed. Let me know if you have any questions!

'Ragged' Baby Quilt Instructions

Yea, I finished baby Cade's 'ragged' baby quilt to match his western themed room. It really was easy!

I used two cotton fabrics (red bandana and denim) and backed it with a flannel. I started by cutting 10 1/2 inch blocks of all fabrics and cutting 9 inch blocks of batting. I layered the flannel wrong side up, centered a block of batting next and then topped it with either a bandana or denim block, right side up and sewed an X from corner to corner, with all 1/2 inch seams to the front.
Now, I'm sure you noticed that I have 'Cade's' name on alternating blocks. That was really easy. I used 'Goudy' bold font and got it to a size that looked right to me and then printed it on card stock, cut each letter out and used this as my pattern. To attach each letter to a block set (flannel, batting and top fabric) , I just used a tight zig-zag stitch on my sewing machine.
Sew each block in whatever pattern you want with seams all on the front of the quilt. When you finish the back of the quilt should be smooth. Now comes the fun part. I used scissors to cut ever 1/4 inch, but making sure not to cut my seam. In the picture above, I had washed the quilt three times and each time it will look better.
You will note some people like to add additional layers of flannel to their blocks to make the ragging thicker, but I found that this was thick enough for me and I didn't want it too thick for the baby. Please ask if I have left anything out. Thanks!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easy Burping Cloths Instruction!!!

Of course, this is another project for my cousin's soon to be here baby! This started as the baby quilt I was going to make and then I changed my mind and made a different baby quilt, so I decided to use these blocks to make burping cloths. Now I was told that using a towel was the best thing for the burping side because it asborbs so well.
I just cut a piece of towel the same size as my blocks and sewed along all sides and once across the middle. Then I made binding using a 2 inch strip of denim and sewed it all along the edge to finish each burping cloth. So easy!

Quick & Easy Flower Pin

Oh my gosh! I visited Lettie blog, Polka Dot Pineapple and her tutorial for this amazing flower pin is so easy to follow and I had this one made in less than 30 minutes!

I made this one to match all the baby stuff I've been making for my cousin's baby and she can wear this next weekend at her baby shower and also have a keepsake!! Now how great is that!!! Thanks so much Lettie! I love your blog! She also has lots of other great tutorials that I just have to try!!

Look What Joelle Sent!!! Really Nice!!!

Check out that Wonderful Aviary Honey Bun I won from Joelle with Jojo's Gift Shoppe!!! I can hardly wait to come up with something to make. You better check out her blog at for April's Giveaway!!

Don't you just love the purse fat quarters I bought from her!! I think they will make such a cute purse! Talk about fast shipping, mercy, they arrived so fast that I was dumbstruck! What a wonderful package to arrive before Easter weekend! Yea! I also received a so cute post-it pad and a sweet note from Joelle!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

More April Giveaways!!

I Never Grew Up is having ANOTHER giveaway for a huge lot of sweets! The Chocolate Pecan Roll looks so good! Check it out at

I Never Grew Up is having a giveaway for the perfect Baby Shower Gift! Check it out at

You could win $80.00 in wonderful crayola products!! Better hurry on over to:

Pig Tails & Quilts is having a huge giveaway of 30 fq's to celebrate her daughter's birthday! Check her out at before April 20, 2009!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Silly Pups on a Spring Day!

Today I was trying to work on some of the unfinished projects I have going on and Sadie kept getting in between my legs and just begged me to pick her up and love on her! lol Which I did and then set her down and tried to go back to go! So, I took a break and we went outside and Ziggy, Sadie and Maggie were so happy, they had a three-way over the 'frog' toy, which is Ziggy's fav! No pun intended, but they each had a 'frog leg'
I just had to take a picture of my purple iris' that are blooming! So pretty! I love Spring and when all the flowers are blooming and birds are singing!
OK, everyone, say a prayer that I get a call in the next several days regarding employment! I've had some really great interviews, but there are alot of talented folks out there! I wish I could continue to stay at home, it has been wonderful the past month, but, truth is, I gotta work. Dang it!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Sock Horse Instructions!! WOW!!

Oh, my! This is the cutest thing, even though his eyes haven't been added yet. ! A sock horse!! Check out this link for instructions:

April Great Giveaways

Joelle is doing it again!! Another month of amazing giveaways!! Can it get any better!! Check her out at

Like surprises? Then check out this surprise giveaway at

Here is another great one to check out! I love her purses!

OMG! Just Another Hang Up has the cutest totes, travel bags and even a cupcake tote in her Etsy store and you could win one. Better rush right over and check her out at:

Pretty in Pink Giveaway & Tutorials!!

Yea! I finally got the picture posted to go with this giveaway! Is that not just the cutest thing!! I love her little sock monkey!!

Kellie is having an awesome giveaway at

Well, I can't get a picture posted, but take my word for it! Her work is so awesome! I just love the colors and birds and butterflies with flowers! Her little monkeys rock! Be sure and check it out before April 6, 2009.

She has some great tutorials also!

Shopping Day Out!

I took a shopping day out of town as there are no quilting stores here and It was SO much fun! I came home with SO many great ideas and, of course, some awesome

I finally located a store with a replacement cord for my laptop...for $80.00...(I could have bought so much fabric with that!!)

Several ideas that I will share in the coming weeks is, of course, the rest of the things I'm making for my cousin's baby due in June, such as a baby quilt, diaper bag/tote, wrapper for diaper wipes, and whatever else I can think of. My Aunt wants a tote like baby Cade's, omly with stars!! (pictures and instructions coming soon .)

Today, I learned a very easy way to make a 'sweatshirt' jacket, covered with your choice of fabric and embellished with chenille you make yourself!! So cool! A magnetic notepad holder for your frig. I'm going to try with felt to make sure I can do it before I try one with wool. A crazy signature quilt for my Grandmother, that each member of my family helps make by embellishing a square and I'm gonna let my cousin's daughter, Caroline, color a square of muslin to add to it. I'll share it all.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Judi, over at is giving away a jelly roll and pattern. Check out her buy one pattern, get one free deal! Awesome!!

Look What Carla Sent...

Oh my gosh!! Carla over at 'With Needle and Thread' sent me the most wonderful handmade tote! Check out the detail on this tote! Awesome! What you can't see is that it is lined and has two huge pockets inside! I can not tell you how excited I was the evening it arrived in the mail! The detail on the outside pocket is amazing! This lady sure knows her stuff! My hope is to one day be able to make a tote even half as nice.

Carla, WOW, thank you so much! I will treasure the tote for years to come!

Spring is Coming!!

I have really been pleased by seeing all the things starting to bloom in my yard. I am so ready for the beautiful spring days that are coming!